
Giving A Second Chance

My dream is to grow this and eventually buy property where we can put a roof over their heads.

Giving A Second Chance, was originally a dream of mine that NO prisoner should ever come home to a Halfway House with just a pair of sneakers and a gray sweatsuit. You are expected to have a job within 2 weeks. You have no clothes, no phone and most likely haven’t had one for many years. The STRESS is killer. I went through it. I know the fear of suddenly having to survive in a world you don’t recognize anymore. You haven’t had to make a decision in years. Decisions are made for you. 

This was frightening!

You don’t have a car and have forgotten how to drive. This was frightening!  I swore that after going through it I would help others from going through this frightening process alone. 

Then came Covid. Lockdowns, NO way to get in to speak to anyone, so there went that dream. I got sick with covid first wave. Months of trying to get better and gain strength to survive myself. I gave up. NO not me! I eventually got better. During this process I started to see so many homeless people just a short walk from my house. At the 7-11. I started talking to the homeless daily. I listened to them sometimes for hours. They all knew me. NO one else paid attention. I started making food for them, buying roasted Chicken on Thursdays at The Fresh Market and feeding them. I could not stop. I was drawn to them like best friends. I decided to add the homeless cause to my 501-C3 Non-Profit. I had to do something; I could not ignore them. My heart hurt at night, and I lost sleep many nights when it was cold or raining. I watched the addict suffer. I prayed constantly that I would get stronger and go after my dreams, and so I did.

Homelessness A Cancer on Our Society,
A total Loss of any Dignity and Purpose
We Cannot Ignore it Any longer!

I have several friends and places where I worked that called me with Blankets, Pillows and warm clothes. I would Run with a full SUV and distribute what I had. Some very old people in broken down wheelchairs saw me coming with blankets and pillows and suddenly 100 people were standing there begging for a blanket. I lost it. I realized an entire SUV filled beyond capacity was nothing. I had to grow fast to just care for what I saw, So I did. One person can mean everything to a person in dire straits.

People ask me, Aren’t you afraid? Of what I ask? What I am afraid of is, do I have enough? The answer is always no but I continue to get more help and to grow. I am doing God’s work. I know this. I am growing as fast as possible for a 67year old who has vision problems. My Husband helps me, he is 70. Just went through a quadruple bypass and Aorta Valve replacement, 1 year ago. He is strong now with a great heart and working daily. If we can do this, so can you.

It will happen.

I ask the Lord to have mercy on us all and show me the way.
Grow with me! Watch me and help when you can. 
Do not turn a blind eye. Together we can do anything. I am creating miracles with Gods help.
Restoring Dignity and Purpose to all.